Users are responsible for maintaining valid payment methods on to ensure proper use/function on WorldWinner (making deposits or withdrawals).
Using WorldWinner App or WorldWinner website:
1. Select/Choose the Deposit button or Wallet button
2. In Deposit screen, choose a "amount to deposit"
3. Select the Edit link (shows if/when payment methods are on file)
4. Select the "X" next to the payment method(s) you wish to delete
5. Select Delete button to confirm deletion
*Repeat steps as necessary
Using WorldWinner "Classic" website:
1. Select the Deposit button or My Account > Deposit
2. Select a Deposit Amount
3. Enter/Update Address on file in Step 2 (Player Info) If requested
4. In Step 3 (Purchase), select the Edit link
5. Select the "X" next to the payment method(s) you wish to delete
6. Select Delete button to confirm deletion
*Repeat steps as necessary