In the event of a deposit rejection, you may still see a pending Charge, in the amount of the deposit attempt, on your actual bank/credit card statement. This Charge is simply an authorization hold that your bank/credit card company placed on the funds in your account.
When you attempt to deposit funds or make purchases online or on your mobile device, you are authorizing the vendor to charge the card in question for the amount that you requested.
In some cases, deposit attempts may be rejected, most commonly due to incorrect billing information entered by the user. Aside from incorrect billing information there could be a variety of other reasons as to why a deposit attempt gets rejected.
It may take up to 10 business days (up to 30-45 business days for gift or pre-paid cards) for the financial institution to release the hold and return the funds to your card. If you do not see that the authorization hold is lifted by the issuing bank/credit card company after 7 business days, it is highly recommended that you contact the issuing bank/credit card company directly to see if there is a delay on their end.