Atari Breakout Blitz is a skill competitive game where players are presented with unique styles of levels, each made up of different brick types. The goal is to destroy all the bricks before time runs out or the player runs out of lives. The game ends when the player has no more lives left or the bricks get too low. Players receive bonus points if they finish the game with time remaining and with extra lives.
Destroy all the bricks before time runs out and build up combos! The bricks will drop down over time. Don’t let them reach the bottom or the game will end! Any time or lives remaining will award players with bonus points.
Game Terminology
Brick types
- Basic Bricks – Basic Bricks are the basis of each level, come in different colors, and are worth 1,000 points when destroyed.
- Extra Strength Bricks - Extra Strength Bricks are blue in color, require multiple hits to destroy, and are worth 2,000 points.
- Explosive Bricks – When hit, Explosive bricks explode and destroy any surrounding bricks that touch them. They are pink in color and add to a combo.o.
- Gold Mine Bricks – Gold Mine Bricks are worth up to 200,000 points and are colored yellow. Over time, the value of these bricks will slowly decrease to 20,000. When hit, players will receive the point value shown on the brick at that time.
Powerup Bricks
Collect Powerup Bricks with your ball and paddle to activate them. When hit, the bricks are destroyed and a Powerup symbol will appear. There are several different Powerups available: Bigger Paddle, Explosive Ball, Cannon, Shooting Bullets, Double Points, Homing Ball, and Multiple Balls.
Game Mechanics
- At the start of the game, players are presented with colored bricks and a paddle. The player may aim where they want to fire the first ball.
- As the player moves their paddle around the space and hits the ball, a bar will constantly fill on each side of the screen over time. Once that bar is full, the bricks will drop down a different number of rows depending on the number of bricks on screen or how low the bricks are on the screen.
- Players will build combos for each consecutive brick destroyed before the ball returns to the paddle. For each brick destroyed, the value of the next brick increases.
- Gold Mine Bricks point value decreases over time from 200,000 to 20,000. The quicker the player destroys them, the more points they can gain.
- Hit the ball hard to trigger a PowerHit by swiping upward with the paddle and aiming the ball to hit. PowerHits have a trail effect in front and behind the ball, indicating that it is active. When hit, PowerHits instantly destroy Extra Strength Bricks. Any bricks destroyed by PowerHits are worth 1,000 points and do not contribute to a combo.
- PowerUp bricks that the players hit will drop a PowerUp icon that, when picked up, will activate instantly. There are several different PowerUps available: Bigger Paddle, Explosive Ball, Cannon,Shooting Bullets, Double Points, Homing Ball, and Multiple Balls.
- Shooting Bullets: Activates a gun mechanic that fires bullets from the paddle and destroy bricks for 6 seconds
- Bigger Paddle: Expands the length of the paddle for 7 seconds
- Double Points: Doubles the point values of each brick destroyed for 14 seconds.
- Explosive Ball: Turns pink and causes neighboring bricks to explode for 5 seconds.
- Cannon: The ball and paddle attach allowing players to aim and fire anywhere for 5 seconds. Each time the ball fires it turns into a PowerHit.
- Homing Ball: The ball will turn yellow and will follow the location of the paddle for 6 seconds.
- Multiple Balls: Additional balls become available to the player to interact and hit. Maximum of 3 balls extra.
- If bricks get too low, the game screen will turn red and alert warning. The bricks will flash, and players must destroy them before they drop even lower or risk losing the game. The speed of the ball will slow down while bricks drop quicker, allowing the player to save their game by destroying the low bricks.
- Players will lose lives each time the ball is not successfully caught by the paddle and falls to the bottom of the screen
- The game ends when time runs out, the bricks reach the bottom, or the player runs out of lives. Final points and score will appear.
- Players who successfully destroy and clear all bricks are awarded 50,000 points for each remaining life, 1001 points for each second remaining on the timer, and 150,000 points for being a winner!
Settings Control – Adjust game settings using the drop-down menu located at the top right corner of the game screen.
End the game early in the settings drop-down menu by pressing the End button.
Game Scoring
- Basic Brick – 1k Points
- Extra Strength Brick – 2k Points
- Combo System - Multiplies the brick score based on how many consecutive bricks were destroyed per shot. Caps at 5 bricks destroyed.
- Gold Mine Brick – 20k-200k Points
- This brick is not affected by the combo system.
- Game Completion – 150k points for destroying all the bricks.
- Lives Remaining – 50k Points per lives remaining.
- Awarded when achieving “Game Completion”.
- Time Bonus – 1001 Points per second remaining.
- Awarded when achieving “Game Completion”.
- Use Power Hits to get the ball behind rows of bricks to gain large combos.
- Use Power Hits to dig toward and destroy Gold Mine Bricks. The faster you break them, the more points you’ll earn.
- To maximize the value of the Double Point power-up, ensure that you’re set up for a big combo.
- Use the Cannon power-up to dig deep and reach special bricks that are buried.
- Earn big combos by using the Homing Ball power-up to create pathways for the ball behind rows of bricks.